What do you value most? A step by step guide to help you identify what is most meaningful.
What do you value most? A step by step guide to help you identify what is most meaningful.
Identifying and understanding what was most meaningful to me helped me see myself and my life through a brand new lens. It was a game changer. I created this step by step to help others identify what is most meaningful to them (their core values).
In order to better understand ourselves, our life, our home, our spaces and transform what feels stuck we need to first understand what is most meaningful to us. What we value most. What motivates us, drives us and inspires us. What feels most aligned, lights us up and brings us the most joy. We need to lay the foundations and determine our core values.
An understanding of what is most important helps us more deeply get to know, understand, value, appreciate and look after ourselves, our family, our home and spaces.
When we become really clear about what we do and do not value, we can start shedding the layers, stories, habits, patterns and household items that no longer serve us or align with our core values.
We want our home, our base and our foundation, to align with what is most meaningful. When you surround yourself with the things that you value most you continuously inspire yourself. You raise the vibration within your home and your life. This not only applies to yourself but to all the members of your household.
Let’s go on a journey together to identify what is most meaningful to you.