Make space for the inner whisperings.
When you start to quieten down the external noise, there is space for the internal whisperings.
At first it’s a whisper that you can barely hear.
Over time those whisperings and that voice get louder and louder.
Stronger and stronger.
So loud that they become hard to ignore.
Hard to override.
For me, there’s always been quite the separation between my mind and my body.
My mind always thinking that it knows best, my mind always trying to override my body and push it harder.
DO more, better better, strive harder.
All whist my body has struggled to keep up with the lightning pace that my mind continually sets.
The more time in connection that I have with my body, the narrower this gap becomes and the more that I realise that there is no struggle.
There is no struggle when I listen to the whisperings and my mind and body work together.
With that realisation has come a louder voice.
A teammate.
A cheerleader.
A kind, caring and compassionate voice.
Someone on my side with my very best interests at heart.
That guiding voice is loud and it no longer takes no for an answer.
It no longer allows my mind to bulldoze to my body into what is ‘should be doing’.
It is still new and I am still getting used to it.
This internal voice sounds very different to the conditioning and the programming that I grew up with.
Very different to the way that I believed it ‘should be’, I ‘should be’1
What are your current whisperings telling you? Are you making space for them?