We ALL deserve to get our needs met.
We, as individuals, do not need fixing.
The environments and systems that we exist within, need modifications, so that we can all get our needs met.
We are conditioned to believe, that we must make ourselves fit, into the systems and environments, that we exist within.
AND if we don’t, we internalise shame, believing that there must be something wrong with us.
Rather than, instead, questioning whether it is the environments and the systems that are the problem.
⭐️ Who are you?
⭐️ What are your needs?
⭐️ Are they being met? If not, why not?
⭐️ What support and modifications do you need?
Let’s go on a journey together.
I will help you, see yourself and your environment differently.
I will help you, reclaim your truth and stand up for and align your environment with your needs.