Pain runs in families, until someone chooses to feel it.

Conditioning, lives inside of us, until we consciously CHOOSE to update it.⁣

What is sitting in your nervous system, that you aren’t yet aware of?⁣

What is in the gap, between a home and life, that fits within your nervous system capacity and one that sits outside of it?⁣

⭐️ stories⁣

⭐️ beliefs⁣

⭐️ shoulds⁣

⭐️ expectations⁣

⭐️ conditioning ⁣

⭐️ household imprinting

⭐️ gender bias⁣

It took the loss of my mother, the crumbling of my family/childhood home, a tough initiation into motherhood and challenges with my health, to really start doing the internal work.⁣

To really start, working my way through all the layers.⁣

All the impressions.⁣

All the conditioning.⁣

All the learned, habitual responses.⁣

Busting so many beliefs and stories along the way.⁣

Most of which weren’t actually even mine!⁣

I made the conscious choice to move out of victim mentality.⁣

To stop wishing it were different.⁣

To stop wishing it were easier.⁣

Instead turning to my curiosity.⁣

My thirst to know more and be better.⁣

My depth.⁣

My level of dissatisfaction with what sits on the surface.⁣

And slowly, I started to reclaim my power and my health.⁣

So many parts of me, have healed along the way.⁣

⭐️What is standing in the way, of what would work best, for you and your family?⁣

⭐️What are you NOT yet seeing?⁣

Tara Arcobelli