The closing of a motherhood chapter and a shift in my identity.
With my youngest child starting school this year, who am I when both my children are at school?
Who am I when the intensity of the late decade of my life begins to morph and change?
It feels different, hard and so unknown.
I know what and who society says I should want to be in this new chapter of my life but who do I want to be?
What do I want?
What do I want when it’s no longer being dictated to me?
An audit of my time and also an audit of my wants and needs.
Space to work out how my identity looks on the other side of life with really small children.
How do I support my children but also let them go a little more each day?
A gentle yet painful daily push and pull.
Somedays it feels like I get it right and other days it feels like I don’t. It feels so muddled up.
It’s not something that we really talk about.